Monday, October 01, 2007


Often at times stress will manifest when we carry over
yesterday’s concerns into our present day concerns can
accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress

Therefore, we must be able to “dump” all of our
concerns from the previous day or days and concentrate
wholly on our today with that in mind here are a couple
of tips to help destress.

Busting Stress Tip 1

Resolve right now to release every thought from yesterday
and be only mindful of the now…. this thought only...this
breath...this moment. Take in three very deep breaths and
slowly release each one.

At the same time feel each and every concern, each and
every problem, and each and every unresolved moment, begin
to dissolve. You can deal with them at a later time. For
now, you are only to be in this very moment.

Now go to your inner quiet place. Go deep inside to a place
where you feel that you are at peace and then just relax
and breathe in deeply and enjoy the feeling of being at one
and at peace within yourself.

Use this special time and place to be calm. Free your mind
and body of all worry, all regret, all disappointment, all
anger and grief.

Busting Stress Tip 2

Next, think of one particular act, such as rocking your
baby, taking a quick stroll, raking the leaves, and do that
one simple thing. All the while, your mind is quiet and
calm and you are in your own special place within.

Practice this act of quiet and calm each day and you will
see that you will accomplish so much more. At the first
sign of being stressed, go back to this mindful, quiet
place and start all over again until you have reached your
inner place of calm.

Stress Busting Tip 3

The very best thing that you can do for yourself is to eat,
drink and rest to your health!

Stress is easily brought on by not eating and drinking
properly. When you don’t get the number of hours of sleep
that you need each night, you are only setting yourself up
for additional stress.

Limit the amount of salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol in
your diet. Drink plenty of clean, pure water each day and
do at least moderate exercise each day. This will breathe
new life into your skin, hair and will nourish all of your
vital organs.

Take time to breathe properly! Take deep belly breathes to
send pure oxygen to all of your body.

Laugh and then laugh some more. It is food for the soul!
Spend time doing the things that please you most. Engage in
healthy and fulfilling relationships and work on problems
that would erode the closeness that you have with someone

When we are content and living a balanced life everyday
stresses seem to pale in comparison. We are better equipped
to deal with the unexpected.

Paul Cass

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Effectively Treating Arthritis

Your Health and Effectively Treating Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that affects thousands of people
each year. In most cases doctors will be agreeable to
prescribe medication to you for both the disease and for
the pain that is associated with all forms of arthritis.

There are many natural and alternative ways to treat
arthritis and the symptoms associated with it.

One of the first things that you may want to consider is
looking at your diet and what you are putting into your
body. Studies show that there may be a direct correlation
between what you eat and your risk of arthritis.

These studies showed that those people who ate a diet that
was rich in certain vitamins and antioxidants had a reduced
risk of pain associated with arthritis as well as further
progression of the disease.

The vitamins and antioxidants in question are as follows:

· Vitamin E.

Studies show that a dietary supplement of Vitamin E helps
to reduce arthritis inflammation.

· Vitamin C.

Vitamin C helps to slow all forms of arthritis as well as
reduce knee and joint pain.

· Beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene works the same as Vitamin C in reducing
inflammation and slowing down arthritis.

· Lutein (antioxidant).

Studies show that lutein lowers the risk of knee

· Lycopene (antioxicant).

Lycopene is another antioxidant that is effect for
osteoarthritis of the knee.

Exercise is also very important in the treatment of
arthritis. Many people with all forms of arthritis avoid
exercise due to the pain but it is important to keep as
mobile as possible and to incorporate some form of
beneficial exercise into your daily routine.

Exercises that work well with all forms of arthritis
include Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Both of these exercise methods
but little strain on your muscles and limbs, therefore
giving you the movement that you need.

Living with the chronic pain of arthritis and
osteoarthritis takes a great deal of courage and

Paul Cass

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just to make you smile :-) NEW - Miracle Cure!

NEW - Miracle Cure!

Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from
shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your
doctor or pharmacist about White Wine. If White Wine is not
your taste, then Whisky, Gin, Rum, etc, can be used as a

White Wine is the safe, natural way to feel better and more
confident about yourself and your actions. White Wine can
help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the
world that you're ready and willing to do just about

You will notice the benefits of White Wine almost
immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses you can
overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the
life you want to live. Shyness and awkwardness will be a
thing of the past and you will discover many talents you
never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with
White Wine.

However, White Wine may not be right for everyone. Women
who are pregnant or nursing should not use White Wine.

However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming
pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting,
incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss of motor control,
loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity,
delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache,
dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and
play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and
Naked Twister.


The consumption of White Wine may make you think you are
whispering when you are not.


The consumption of White Wine is a major factor in dancing
like a idiot.

The consumption of White Wine may cause you to tell your
friends over and over again that you love them.


The consumption of White Wine may cause you to think you
can sing.


The consumption of White Wine may lead you to believe that
ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at
four in the morning.


The consumption of White Wine may make you think you can
logically converse with members of the opposite sex without


The consumption of White Wine may create the illusion that
you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than
most people.


The consumption of White Wine may lead you to think people
are laughing WITH you.



Author unknown

Have a great day

Paul Cass

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What's Causing Your Dry Skin?

Dry skin happens to be very uncomfortable.

It also happens to be something that you can avoid by
just paying attention to how you are caring for your skin.

The causes of dry skin range widely but there are some
considerations for this condition that happen more often
than not.

You may have just bathed in water that was too hot too
often or you may have a medical condition that is causing
your skin to become too dry.

In any case, understanding what is causing your dry skin
will help you to prevent it from happening over and over

Common Dry Skin Causes

The causes for dry skin range in severity too. While you
may be just a bit uncomfortable with the itchy skin, for
others it is painful. Here are some of the causes that you
may have been exposed to.

• Low humidity. When you are exposed to warm air indoors
and then venture out into the cold outdoor air, your skin
reacts to this humidity level. Because it is used to the
warmer temperatures, when you are outdoors it easily can
dry out causing your skin to flake and even hurt at times.

• Too Much Washing. If you wash your skin too often or you
are using a very hot temperature of water, your skin loses
its important natural oils which results again in dry skin.

• Soap. Some soaps are too harsh for the skin. They will
draw out and wash away those natural oils which will leave
your skin dry and cracking. Using only mild soaps can be
helpful in avoiding dry skin.

• Vitamin A. If you don’t get enough Vitamin A in your
diet, you too may experience dry skin. Adding more will
reduce the occurrence and severity of your dry skin.

• An illness. There are several illnesses that can bring on
dry skin. Usually this is due to the medications that you
may be taking for the illness that you have.

• Sunlight. Sunlight actually can draw out the moisture in
your skin, too, leaving it dry. To avoid this problem, seek
out a moisturizer that provides sun blocking benefits to
you, too.

The cause of your dry skin may be something different, too.
The fact is that there are many causes to this common

The good news is that most of the time all that is needed
is prevention from these conditions or a few moisturizers
to give you the relief you deserve.

Paul Cass

Monday, September 17, 2007

An Overview To Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise During Pregnancy

Many expectant mothers realize that healthy nutrition and
balanced active lifestyles enable them to have healthier
pregnancies and newborns, and to get through the birthing
process and labor more readily and easily.

The level of your continued efforts will depend a lot on
your pre-pregnancy fitness levels.

Exercise stimulates all the body’s systems and holistically
speaking doing the right types of exercises can actually
assist in the childbirth process, with all its challenges
and obstacles.

Respiratory, muscular, circulatory, nervous system, lifting
mood, positive hormones, balanced system can all benefit
the reproductive processes, outcome.

Not over-exerting yourself is key and depending on the
types of sports, workouts that you prefer or are required,
trimester, timing, fitness levels, condition and risk
factors, your medical practitioner and fitness instructor
will be able to advise and customize an exercise during
pregnancy type workout, full-body, aerobic, stretching,
toning, sculpting, breathing, relaxing will be alternated
for optimal benefit.

Exercise also assists with mood and generally more positive
feelings of being energized, more positive and not being
victim to the physical signs and discomforts that threaten
to overwhelm and control during the passage of nine months,

It helps with painful joints, swollen ankles, keeps blood
pressure in check. So whether in the gym, using equipment,
or at home, taking a pre-natal yoga class, swimming,
walking daily or at least 3-4 times a week, will leave you
feeling more like yourself and less like a shapeless,
oversized blimp.

As to which types of exercises is most suited, safe and
gives the maximum benefit, will depend pretty much on the
individual, as no two women or pregnancies for that matter
are or will be the same.

Ensure that you discuss your medical condition and risks
with your medical care-giver or gynecology team before
starting a new regimen or workout, or the level of strain,
intensity and duration you and your pregnant body, fetus
will be able to handle comfortable, without putting anyone
or anything at increased risk.

There is a myth and misconception that pregnancy and
exercise do not mix, for it increases the risk for a
miscarriage, there is no scientific evidence to support
this hypothesis.

Paul Cass

Saturday, September 15, 2007

How to deal with having a stroke

How to deal with having a stroke

It is not always easy to deal with someone that has gone
through a stroke in your life. If you or someone that you
know has been the victim of a stroke, then you must know
that this is one of the hardest times that a person can go
through. It is very unpredictable and there are no side
effects that will be the same. It is important to make sure
that you are giving the right amount of support and care to
anyone that has known the devastation of a stroke.

There are negative emotions that a person is going to have
to go through when they are the victims of a stroke.
Feeling sad about the ability to do something that you once
could do so well is torture for some. This is going to be a
normal emotion and one that many people will go through.
You need to learn how to accept this and anyone that is
helping a stroke victim out should also know that this is a
sensitive area that has to be dealt with the right way.

The following will be some of the emotional feelings that a
person can go through when they are trying to help someone
get over a stroke. You should pay attention to these
problems and treat them as you can with each person that
you are dealing with.

* Emotional stability, sudden laughing or crying

* Anxiety

* Grief at the loss of mobility

* Humiliation

* Depression

* Memory loss

* Confusion

A person that is suffering from a stroke will have
different on the area of the brain injury. People who have
had a strong on the right side of their brain will tend to
experience memory problems, time disorientation and
emotional highs and lows. They may also be less able to use
abstract thinking and talk too much.

People that have had a stroke on the left side of their
brain may have more problems with their speech and reading
abilities as well. They will also be more cautions and get
frustrated a lot easier. The left-brain injuries are more
often from depression. This is not exact but it is a good
theory for why people that are depressed go through such a
terrible time with their physical and emotional pain.

Remember to have compassion, love and understanding when it
comes to helping someone that has dealt with a stroke. This
is the best way to get them back on track and keep them
motivated for a fast recovery. You want to get them through
the hard times and keep them ready for the better times
that are coming.

Take Care

Paul Cass

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Benefits of a Yoga Class

The Benefits of a Yoga Class

When you first begin studying yoga, no matter what kind you
choose, you have the option of taking a class or trying it
on your own at home. Many beginners feel out of shape and
uncomfortable and opt to work out at home instead of in a
class setting, but this can actually be detrimental in the
end. There are many benefits to taking a yoga class, so be
sure to consider this option if you are thinking about
starting a yoga workout routine.

Classes provide stability. Our lives are busy, and it might
be difficult to fit a yoga class into your schedule, but if
that is the case, it is also probably difficult to fit in
exercise at all. By taking a class, you become more
motivated to actually work out if you paid the money for
instruction, you will feel as though it would be stupid to
skip class.

Your instructor can also keep you motivated to
come back by being fun and knowledgeable. If, after three
classes, you dread going, consider a different workout
option or a different class in yoga.

Your instructor's expertise is a great benefit as well. He
or she can help you perform the correct poses because a
teacher can see your body while you cannot. Even if you
work out at home in front of a mirror, you cannot
completely see your body.

If you get into bad habits, poor posture will stick with
you and can actually harm the body.
Difficult poses can even be dangerous. By going to a class,
you can be sure that you are getting the maximum benefit
from your routine and you can stay safe.

A yoga class also brings together many people with a common
interest. In your class, you should be closely paying
attention to the teacher. However, after class, you may
find that you have other things in common with class
members as well. You can trade healthy recipes, for
example, with others in your class who like to cook with
body happy foods.

You can also learn about yoga events and
news if you join a class. Go a step farther and take a
class offered at a gym, so that you buy a gym membership.

This will give you access to exercise equipment and other
classes as well, in case you find that yoga is not for you.
Learning yoga can be a fun experience; by taking a class
you can make sure that it is most beneficial to your health

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Smoking and Diet

Smoking and Diet
smokers face an increased risk of heart to respiratory disease this includes
Lung cancer mouth, stomach, pancreas, bladder, throat, cervix and rectum
as well as a form of leukaemia.

About half of all smokers die as a direct result of thier habit.

while many suffer minor symptoms such as indigestion, the best advice is to give up smoking completely, but for those who won't a change in diet may help to migrate some of the harmful effects.

There is evidence that smokers have an increased need for vitamin c. One theory is that it is used by the body when fighting the free radicals in smoke and to prevent the formation of nitrosamines - cancer forming agents made from nitrogen compounds in food.

Tests have shown that smokers can have up to 30% less vitamin C in the blood than non-smokers, since smokers use up vitamin c at a faster rate they should eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to ensure an adequate intake of vitamin c.

Department of health recomends that smokers have a daily intake of 40 to 80mg more vitamin C than the 40mg recommended for non-smokers.

Vitamin C and E and beta-carotene are used by the body as antioxidants to destroy free radicals, found in cigarette smoke.
good sources of vitamin E can be found in wheatgerma, advcardo's, nuts, vegetable oils and seeds.

Somking depletes the body of vitamin B due to the increased load on the liver.
vitamin B12 is used for the detoxification of cyanide found in cigarette smoke vitamin B can be found in whole grains and lean meats and fish.

It is almost never too late to giveup smoking and there is always a health gain.

Irritation of the lungs and nasal passages will reduce almost immediately

20 min after stopping blood pressure returns to normal.

8 hours Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal

24 hours Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.

48 hoursThere is no nicotine left in the body. Ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.

72 hours Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.

2-12 weeks Circulation improves.

3-9 months Cough, wheezing, and breathing problems improve and lung function increases by up to 10%.

1 year Risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.

10 years Risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker.

15 years Risk of heart attack falls to the same level as someone who has never smoked.

Diet for giving up cravings associated with withdrawal of nicotine might be reduced by increasing the levals of alkaline foods like friuts and vegetables and decreasing foods like meat fish and eggs and most cereals there is no guarantee this will work for everyone although somepeople have found it helpful.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Smoking Ban Started Today in The UK

Well today was the the first day of the smoking ban
will it make people healthier I am not sure for the ones
that give up yes but for the ones that can not kick the
habit and will be standing in rain and snow i'm not so
sure will there be more cases of flu and days off work
will it hurt the pub trade i'm sure it will and what about
the stress out people trying to give up will like going in to
work with half the people on PMT on a bad day.

My advise is if you smoke and plan to give up then you
need to do things that you don't associate with smoking
so in the morning if you start your day with a coffee and
ciggy get up and have tea instead try to do things which
should help to ease the way through the day remember a
craving only lasts two minuets then goes away till the
next it strikes put the money you save towards something
you want so you see the saving and take it one day at a

these are the tactics I will be using good luck too all trying
to kick the habit :-)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Make Up Basics Part 5

Give your eyes a lift

If your eyes slope downwards at the
corners, this can make your face look
tired and sad. Using makeup you can
lift them to give a younger expression.
There are a couple of techniques that
you can use with makeup in order to
create this look.

Method 1- Using Eyeliner
Take a dark eased and using a
fine eyeliner brush, line the eye
all around. Make a thick and strong
line on the upper eye lashes and
increase thickness toward the outer
corner making sure you blend the
colour upwards. At the lower lash,
draw a thin line in the inner corner
and gently thicken out as it meets
the the other line in the outer corner.
This gives an effect of lifting and
elongating the eye.

method 2- Applying Eye Shadow
To get the effect of a natural eye you should
focus colour on the centre and inner corner
of the eye.This is called the contour technique.
Use a neutral eye shadow and apply all over
the lid until you reach the crease; be sure to
add a darker shade near the crease starting
from the center and finishing about three
quarters of the way along the eye.

Use a fine brush and dark shadow, line the
upper lash starting in from the outer corner.
As you progress to the inner corner of the
eye, taper the line and then repeat on lower
lash line remembering to highlight under the
brow by the outer corner. Using this gives
the effect of drawing the outer corner up
and the inner corner down.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Make-up Basics Part 4

Applying Lipstick For The Best Results

Make sure you know the shaping
of your lips. If they are pale or thin
you should use glossy lipsticks to
make them look fuller. If you already
have fuller lips, a matted texture and
dark coloured lipstick can be used as
long as the shade chosen complements
your skin tone.

Moisturising your lips is crucial as the
look of lipstick on chapped lips is horrid.
Also please note that some matt lipsticks
will make your lips drier than before.
A definition between lips and skin must
be had. To do this you must tone down
the redness outside of the lip line by using

After this line your lips using a lip definer,
then even up the bow and draw from the
outer corners with short and feather like
strokes. At the bottom of the lip define the
central curve to maintain the balance; do
this only if you need the lips to look fuller.

Lastly apply the lipstick with a lip brush.
Use sheer lipstick during the day and a
high gloss finish or shimmer for night.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Make-up Basics Part 3

How To Apply Blusher

Choosing the right type of blusher
for your skin. The easiest to apply
are creams these tend to dry slowly
there for giving you more time to blend.
If you have flawless skin try using a
gel these give a sheer flush.
If you use a powders they need to be
applied lightly but give a beautiful finish.
If you use a liquid tint these dry quickly
so you need to work fast which makes
them harder to use.

where to apply. By knowing your face
and the shape will help if you smile in
the mirror you will see to round areas
these are called the apples. After feel
the hollows underneath the cheekbone.

To get a natural flush you will need pink
for a paler skin and apricot for a darker
skin. Use a sponge or a brush and lightly
dab the formula on to the apples of your
cheeks. Remember that you need to blend
outwards from the cheekbone.

Sculpt your face by adding a honey or
bronze shade to the hollows below your
cheekbones using a contour brush to
blend. You can balance the look by
adding a touch of colour around the

For a glamourous look dab a little
highlighter around your cheekbones
remembering to blend outwards

Friday, February 16, 2007

Make-up Basics part 2

Eyes That Look Great

Always use good quality brushes for
a better application this will also help
with a smoother blending use the smaller
brushes for colour application for blending
use the larger brush blending outwards.

Tweez your eyebrows noting that
any hairs in the area of the eyes will
trap your eyeshadow.
To get rid of any redness on your eyelids
tone down with foundation then lightly
dust with a translucent powder this will
allow eyeshadows to easily blend.

Next with a light eyeshadow cover the
whole eye area then use a darker shade
by the root of the eyelashes or the
socket line dab a highlighter along the
brow bone.

Use an eyeliner at the root of the eyelashes
working right in using feathery short strokes
below and above the eye when your
confidence grows you can draw a single
line for a precise definition remember to
sharpen your eyeliner first for better results.

Never have harsh lines so smudge any
hard lines with a smudging tool like cotton
buds to soften your eyeliner and blend any
edges this is the number one rule for good
make up.

You will find that if you curl your lashes first
it will open up your eyes and help with your
mascara so that it applies more easily and
smoothly start at the root of the lash using a
zigzag motion to brush it the whole length
do not apply to just the tips of the lashes.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Make-up Basics part one

Foundation basic guide

Think of your face as canvas and the foundation
is the base for the rest of your make up so you
need to get this right.
To find the correct colour or shade try different
shades in vertical stripes along your jaw line
the one that will complement your skin colour will
be the one that almost disappears at different
times in year you may need to choose a different,
A winter shade and a summer shade.

choosing the right formula for your skin type.
If your skin is oily it's best to choose a matt finish
if your skin type is dry you will need one that
has a moisturizing base.
If you have mature skin then light reflective
pigments are better but they can also emphasize
any acne or scarring.
For normal skin a light liquid is best.

moisturize your skin thoroughly before applying
foundation as cream foundations tend to cake
when the skin is dry.

When applying foundation only use it where
you need it using a sponge or your fingers
dabbing it on do not use it all over your face
then with a large brush dust with a talc free
translucent powder over the areas lightly that
you want to mattify when applying a concealer
on top of foundation apply lightly using your finger
so as not to wipe the base coat underneath off.

when applying foundation take special care round
the hair lines and jaw so as not to leave a tide mark
as this will cause a mask effect.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Making smart food choices with practical foods

Everyone who is trying to follow a healthy eating lifestyle understands the need to buy quality, healthy and practical foods.

Practical foods are those foods that are not only healthy but whose benefits extend beyond their mere nutritional value.

Such foods are easy to use, and useful in a number of different recipes. Healhty, practical foods, when used on a regular basis, form a great part of a healthy diet, and may even lower the risk of heart disease, cancer and other common illnesses.

One great practical food is the humble tomato. It may not look much like an orange, but the tomato is actually a citrus fruit as well. As such, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

In addition, tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, which has shown promise in preventing certain kinds of cancer.

In addition, tomatoes are easy to use, versatile, and inexpensive.

In addition to fresh, in season tomatoes, which are delicious as well as nutritious, tomatoes are available in canned and frozen varieties as well.

Tomatoes can be used in so many different ways, and in so many different recipes, that it is always a good idea to have a supply of them on hand in the pantry or the fridge.

Pastas, especially the whole wheat varieties of pastas, are another great example of functional foods.

Pastas can also be used in a variety of ways, from simple preparations with simple tomato based sauces, to elaborate creations using shrimp, tuna and other seafood.

Of course, pasta dishes can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on how they are topped.

Toppings such as Alfredo sauce or rich cream sauces, should be avoided when trying to follow a healthy diet. As with all foods, such heavy sauces are fine in moderation, but they should not form the bulk of your diet.

Luckily, there are lower fat alternatives to many high fat pasta sauces, and these low fat alternatives should be used whenever possible. Substituting lower fat alternatives for fatty, unhealthy foods is an important skill when it comes to creating a healthy diet.

Whole grain breads, flours and grains are also good examples of hellathy, practical foods. Stocking up on these staples when they are on sale will help ensure that you have everything you need to create the most healthy recipes possible for yourself and your family.

Whole grain products should be substituted for more highly refined breads and cereals whenever possible, since whole grain breads, cereals and grains retain more of their important nutrients than do more highly refined foods.

Starting a healthy eating program using practical foods is easy. Start by taking a personal inventory of your current diet, including where it is good and where it can use some improvement.

Learn to assess the personal health risks created by your current diet (your family physician can be of particular help here).

A physician or dietitian can be a big help in putting together a list of healthy, easy to use, practical foods you can use to change your diet for the better.

It is also a good idea to use your interest in healthy eating to create and use exciting new recipes.

There are a great many healthy eating recipes available, both on the internet and in cookbooks.

Seek out some of these recipes and try using your favorite healthy staples to create some wonderful dishes.

For some ideas on how to use practical foods morning, noon and night, try some of these great ideas:


Include some healthy staples, and some healthy fruits in your breakfast. For instance, pair healthy oatmeal with blueberries, or whole wheat or wheat bran cereal with strawberries or bananas.

Try mixing a healthy cereal like All Bran into your nonfat or low fat yogurt. It will perk up your plain yogurt and give it a great crunch.

Fresh fruit is also a great addition to yogurt. Try buying plain, nonfat yogurt and mixing in your own raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. You will save money and enjoy a healthy breakfast.

Instead of high fat butter, spread your toast with apple butter or soy nut butter instead. Always try to use whole grain varieties of bread like wheat or rye.

Drink a glass of 100% fruit juice with breakfast every day. Orange juice, grape juice, apple juice and grapefruit juice are all great choices.

Blend 1% milk or soy milk with fresh pineapple for a healhy, delicious breakfast smoothie. These smoothies are great for people on the go.

Lunch and dinner ideas

Make a great tuna salad with grated carrots, green peppers, red peppers, garlic and onion.

Make a dish of fresh whole grain pasta and top it will homemade tomato sauce and fresh home grown herbs.

Use healthy foods like onions and leeks, along with tomatoes, as a great side dish.

Grill healthy fish and serve with a healthy side salad.

Try some low fat soups like spinach and broccoli soup.

Make a great vegetable stir fry with olive oil.

Healthy snacks

Of course no plan for healthy eating is complete without some great healthy snacks. Below are some of our favorite healthy snacks for those on the go.

A piece of fresh fruit, like an apple, orange or banana, always makes a great snack. Keep a bowl of fruit on your kitchen counter for easy access.

Try mixing nuts and dried fruit for a great homemade trail mix. Hikers and non hikers alike will enjoy this healthy snack.

Treat yourself to a great glass of orange, tomato or cranberry juice before you leave the house in the morning.

Keep a supply of broccoli florets, baby carrots and other bite size vegetables, and some healthy dip, on hand.

Make your own fruit salad with oranges, bananas, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and other favorites when making smart food choices with practical foods.

health and beauty information - Making smart food choices with practical foods

Making smart food choices with practical foods

Everyone who is trying to follow a healthy eating lifestyle understands the need to buy quality, healthy and practical foods.

Practical foods are those foods that are not only healthy but whose benefits extend beyond their mere nutritional value.

Such foods are easy to use, and useful in a number of different recipes. Healhty, practical foods, when used on a regular basis, form a great part of a healthy diet, and may even lower the risk of heart disease, cancer and other common illnesses.

One great practical food is the humble tomato. It may not look much like an orange, but the tomato is actually a citrus fruit as well. As such, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

In addition, tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, which has shown promise in preventing certain kinds of cancer.

In addition, tomatoes are easy to use, versatile, and inexpensive.

In addition to fresh, in season tomatoes, which are delicious as well as nutritious, tomatoes are available in canned and frozen varieties as well.

Tomatoes can be used in so many different ways, and in so many different recipes, that it is always a good idea to have a supply of them on hand in the pantry or the fridge.

Pastas, especially the whole wheat varieties of pastas, are another great example of functional foods.

Pastas can also be used in a variety of ways, from simple preparations with simple tomato based sauces, to elaborate creations using shrimp, tuna and other seafood.

Of course, pasta dishes can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on how they are topped.

Toppings such as Alfredo sauce or rich cream sauces, should be avoided when trying to follow a healthy diet. As with all foods, such heavy sauces are fine in moderation, but they should not form the bulk of your diet.

Luckily, there are lower fat alternatives to many high fat pasta sauces, and these low fat alternatives should be used whenever possible. Substituting lower fat alternatives for fatty, unhealthy foods is an important skill when it comes to creating a healthy diet.

Whole grain breads, flours and grains are also good examples of hellathy, practical foods. Stocking up on these staples when they are on sale will help ensure that you have everything you need to create the most healthy recipes possible for yourself and your family.

Whole grain products should be substituted for more highly refined breads and cereals whenever possible, since whole grain breads, cereals and grains retain more of their important nutrients than do more highly refined foods.

Starting a healthy eating program using practical foods is easy. Start by taking a personal inventory of your current diet, including where it is good and where it can use some improvement.

Learn to assess the personal health risks created by your current diet (your family physician can be of particular help here).

A physician or dietitian can be a big help in putting together a list of healthy, easy to use, practical foods you can use to change your diet for the better.

It is also a good idea to use your interest in healthy eating to create and use exciting new recipes.

There are a great many healthy eating recipes available, both on the internet and in cookbooks.

Seek out some of these recipes and try using your favorite healthy staples to create some wonderful dishes.

For some ideas on how to use practical foods morning, noon and night, try some of these great ideas:


Include some healthy staples, and some healthy fruits in your breakfast. For instance, pair healthy oatmeal with blueberries, or whole wheat or wheat bran cereal with strawberries or bananas.

Try mixing a healthy cereal like All Bran into your nonfat or low fat yogurt. It will perk up your plain yogurt and give it a great crunch.

Fresh fruit is also a great addition to yogurt. Try buying plain, nonfat yogurt and mixing in your own raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. You will save money and enjoy a healthy breakfast.

Instead of high fat butter, spread your toast with apple butter or soy nut butter instead. Always try to use whole grain varieties of bread like wheat or rye.

Drink a glass of 100% fruit juice with breakfast every day. Orange juice, grape juice, apple juice and grapefruit juice are all great choices.

Blend 1% milk or soy milk with fresh pineapple for a healhy, delicious breakfast smoothie. These smoothies are great for people on the go.

Lunch and dinner ideas

Make a great tuna salad with grated carrots, green peppers, red peppers, garlic and onion.

Make a dish of fresh whole grain pasta and top it will homemade tomato sauce and fresh home grown herbs.

Use healthy foods like onions and leeks, along with tomatoes, as a great side dish.

Grill healthy fish and serve with a healthy side salad.

Try some low fat soups like spinach and broccoli soup.

Make a great vegetable stir fry with olive oil.

Healthy snacks

Of course no plan for healthy eating is complete without some great healthy snacks. Below are some of our favorite healthy snacks for those on the go.

A piece of fresh fruit, like an apple, orange or banana, always makes a great snack. Keep a bowl of fruit on your kitchen counter for easy access.

Try mixing nuts and dried fruit for a great homemade trail mix. Hikers and non hikers alike will enjoy this healthy snack.

Treat yourself to a great glass of orange, tomato or cranberry juice before you leave the house in the morning.

Keep a supply of broccoli florets, baby carrots and other bite size vegetables, and some healthy dip, on hand.

Make your own fruit salad with oranges, bananas, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and other favorites when making smart food choices with practical foods.

health and beauty information - Making smart food choices with practical foods

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What Skin Care Products Are Best For You

When you go to the health and beauty section at your local store, you are probably bombarded with literally hundreds, if not thousands of different skin care products.

What's a person to do? If you want your skin to be healthy, there are certain products that you need, but you don't have to spend a fortune to be able to keep your skin healthy and younger looking. Leave some of those unnecessary products on the shelf for others to buy!

First, be sure to pick up a good sun block. In the past, these products were usually, if not always, heavy and very greasy.

Today, manufacturers have figured out how to make this situation better. Be sure to find a sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 for daily use, and you'll want higher in the summer time or if you will be in the sun for long periods of time.

You will also need some sort of facial cleanser or wash. Don't use regular bath soap! This kind of soap is too harsh for the sensitive skin on your face and will lead to dryness and premature aging. It is important to know your skin type at this point and to buy accordingly.

For example, someone with dry skin will want a face wash that locks in moisture, while someone with sensitive skin will want a product that is natural and very mild. If you have combination skin, there are products for you as well.

You will next need a moisturizer to protect your skin, especially at night. Again, find a product that caters to your skin type. If you have normal or oily skin, you may only need to use a moisturizing mask at night.

A moisturizer will lock in the water in the top layer of your skin and keep it looking fresh and healthy, even as you age.

You can also choose other skin care products like toners, make-up, and creams. Talk to your doctor about their specific uses for your skin's healthy.

However, avoid skin care products that contain harmful or dangerous chemicals. Some to watch out for include sorbic acid, lactic acid, PEG, and parabens.

These can damage your skin or make you sick. Talk to a dermatologist for more information about these and other dangerous chemicals sometimes found in inexpensively made skin care products, and learn how to avoid them next time you pick up skin care products.

Health And Beauty Products - What Skin Care Products Are Best For You

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New Treatments for Acne

If you are looking for the most advanced techniques for treating acne, there are many to choose from.

Usually, there are many things that contribute to acne. There are many over the counter products that you can use to treat your acne too.

If you do not like them, or they do not seem to work well for you, you may decide to go off to see your family doctor or your dermatologist for help.

He or she may recommend medications to control your hormone levels and to regulate the amount of oils in your glands or they may want you to take antibiotics that will kill off the bacteria. Yet, even this is not a fully fool proof way of fighting off acne.

If you are ready for some real world help there are many new treatments for acne that you can do. One of the first things that you can consider is that of lasers.

Laser surgery, actually, can be a very beneficial method to treating acne. If you are like many, you are not looking for something that is a magic potion, but something that will work over time.

That is what lasers can do. They will do several things. First, they are likely to destroy or damage the follicle that the hair is growing from.

They will also destroy or damage the gland that is producing the excess oils that are in your skin. And, finally, they will also help in killing the bacteria that is causing the acne too.

Lasers are very effective and minimally invasive. There is little to no signs that you have had the procedure done either. While it is not going to be able to remove the acne that you already have, it can help it to lessen and then help to prevent more from resurfacing.

The goal here is to find the solution for your needs that offers the best ability. If you believe that laser surgery is the way to go, then consider this option. You may need several treatments and they can be rather expensive, but they can be quite beneficial nonetheless.

Laser treatment for acne is something that is becoming more and more effective.

Many people are using new treatments for acne not only to treat the acne that is on their face and the acne that is going to be there if they do nothing about it, but it can even help in hiding or getting rid of acne scars as well. Acne can be treated with lasers.
Acne information

What Skin Care Products Are Best for Me?

When you go to the health and beauty section at your local store, you are probably bombarded with literally hundreds, if not thousands of different skin care products.

What's a person to do? If you want your skin to be healthy, there are certain products that you need, but you don't have to spend a fortune to be able to keep your skin healthy and younger looking. Leave some of those unnecessary products on the shelf for others to buy!

First, be sure to pick up a good sun block. In the past, these products were usually, if not always, heavy and very greasy.

Today, manufacturers have figured out how to make this situation better. Be sure to find a sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 for daily use, and you'll want higher in the summer time or if you will be in the sun for long periods of time.

You will also need some sort of facial cleanser or wash. Don't use regular bath soap! This kind of soap is too harsh for the sensitive skin on your face and will lead to dryness and premature aging. It is important to know your skin type at this point and to buy accordingly.

For example, someone with dry skin will want a face wash that locks in moisture, while someone with sensitive skin will want a product that is natural and very mild. If you have combination skin, there are products for you as well.

You will next need a moisturizer to protect your skin, especially at night. Again, find a product that caters to your skin type. If you have normal or oily skin, you may only need to use a moisturizing mask at night.

A moisturizer will lock in the water in the top layer of your skin and keep it looking fresh and healthy, even as you age.

You can also choose other skin care products like toners, make-up, and creams. Talk to your doctor about their specific uses for your skin's healthy.

However, avoid skin care products that contain harmful or dangerous chemicals. Some to watch out for include sorbic acid, lactic acid, PEG, and parabens.

These can damage your skin or make you sick. Talk to a dermatologist for more information about these and other dangerous chemicals sometimes found in inexpensively made skin care products, and learn how to avoid them next time you pick up skin care products.

Health and Beauty Skin Care

Monday, January 01, 2007

The most exciting information about Healthy Eating in a Decade!

Happy New Year For 2007

Now the new year is here im sure many of you
have been thinking of improving your diet for
2007 so here is some information to help you.

Most people are anxious to improve their diets, but in
today’s hectic, fast food oriented world, eating healthy
can be quite a challenge. Sometimes you feel as if it’s a
choice between making smart food choices or enjoying your
life and family.

Making your everyday diet a healthier one is one of the
best things you can do to improve the way you look, and the
way you feel, and possibly even how long you live.

That can be hard to do; however, when there are so many
healthy eating, diets and eating plans out there. How do
you know which one is right for you and which is all hype?

I had the same question just a few years ago. It seemed as
if I was caught up in a never ending cycle. Between my
work, my family, my social obligations and all the other
little things that seemed to creep up on me.

I felt as though I just didn’t have time to eat healthy or
even figure out what that meant! As a result I was tired
and grumpy and completely run down. It seemed like I caught
every little illness that came along.

Something had to change!

I knew I had to do something.

That’s when I decided I had to make the time and began to
read everything I could on the subject of healthy eating.

I knew I owed it to myself and my family to get a handle on
this once and for all!

Everyone wants to eat a healthier diet, but it can
sometimes be difficult to know if your diet is healthy

What I discovered completely changed my life!

How did I do it?

I am going to share my secrets with you on healthy eating.

Everything you need to know to about eat healthier

order to eat healthier I share with you.

For example; did you know that when it comes to healthy
eating, sometimes how you cook is just as important as what
you eat? There are definitely healthy, and less healthy,
ways to prepare the healthy foods you buy. I show you how!

For many people, a limited food budget can be a real
roadblock to healthy eating.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that some of the lowest
priced foods, from fast food value menus to cheap potato
chips, are also some of the least healthy.

It is possible, however, to create excellent tasting,
nutritious meals, even on a tight budget.

This is the most comprehensive report on healthy eating you
will ever read! Not only does it include timely tips and
advice on understanding how understanding

the place of fats and carbohydrates in a healthy diet, but
also clues to help you zero in on how to create a healthy
fridge, get the most from fruits and vegetables and how to
eat healthy without eating meat.

No stone is left unturned in this comprehensive guide!

One of the biggest challenges facing those trying to follow
a healthy diet is the local restaurant.

Eating out presents special challenges, such as not knowing
how the food was prepared, how much fat it contains, and
whether or not the healthiest ingredients were used.

After you read this guide, eating out will never present a
barrier to eating healthy again!

Too little time or no time to cook healthy? Everyone who
has ever juggled home, family and kids knows how difficult
it is to create healthy meals when pressed for time.

Cooking healthy, delicious meals can be difficult, but I’ll
show you the secrets to make the most of your cooking time
while still putting a healthy and delicious meal on the
table in no time!

You won’t want to miss out on this! Learn to eat healthier
for a happier, healthier, leaner life! Look at everything
covered in this guide:

You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to begin
eating healthy You will rest happier and easier when you
master the incredible techniques presented here

Let’s get started and get you started toward a healthier
eating lifestyle today!

Healthy Eating